Friday, January 16, 2009

Even on the road i'm stuck in front of a computer!!

I'm in cheyenne with the whole crew.. And i've been infront of an edtor the whole time.. My back hurts and i'm grumpy. Most of all i miss my family. Worst part of it all i hae to come down here 7 more times... 21 more days at the least...504 more hours. Thats if we don't get snowed in....

1 comment:

  1. Boo! I like your set up though. Just think, if you had a home office it would almost look identical to that AND bonus, you'd have to clean up every night so we could use the table. So hey, I guess it could be worse...right? Miss you a bunch. Come home!!! PS if you EVER talk about getting snowed in again, I might have a nervous breakdown...
